Hunting in Kazakhstan requires tolerance, but the trophies are outstanding


  • Good Game Population and Trophy Quality
  • Challenging Nature
  • Huge Mountain Areas
  • Long Shooting Distances
  • Hunting Friendly local people

General Info

Kazakhstan is the second biggest of the former states of the Soviet Union - only Russia is bigger. Kazakhstan lies in central Asia, north west of China. The country covers a total area of 2,717,300 km2, which is nearly the same size as Europe. With a population of “only” 17.5 million inhabitants in a country of this size, you can find huge areas of undisturbed nature and a rich, varied fauna.

Hunting in Kazakhstan

Our experience has shown that visiting hunters in Kazakhstan need to be both tolerant and patient. Hunting tourism in this beautiful, game rich country has certainly improved of late, but its standards of organisation etc still cannot be compared with Western European standards. You should be prepared for the fact that your trip may not run quite as smoothly as originally planned, and that you might experience some little, or even large, surprises along the way.

If are prepared to accept this, the chance of a really great hunting adventure could be awaiting you. The Kazakhs are incredibly friendly and hospitable people, and numbers of game animals and the quality of their trophies are a decisive argument for putting up with any unforeseen problems which may crop up while hunting in this huge, distinctive, Central Asian country.

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Erik Pedersen Brinkmann

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 17

Ulla Fregerslev

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 02

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