Zimbabwe offers world class big game hunting


  • World Class Big Game Hunting
  • Genuine Safari Feeling
  • Sought-after Game Species
  • Huge Hunting Areas
  • Long Shooting Chances

Hunting in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is without a doubt the absolute greatest destination for big game hunting. Here you can find solid populations, that can easily sustain hunting, of four of the big five: elephant, buffalo, lion and leopard. We work with some of the best safari outfitters in this classic hunting destination, which is naturally mirrored in the success of our customers.

Nearly all of our hunts in Zimbabwe take place in districts with big game. This gives all hunting here an extra dimension, just imagine for example, having to stalk around a feisty elephant or a pack of lions while you are hunting plains game. A hunting tour to Zimbabwe is always an African adventure of the very best kind.

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Erik Pedersen Brinkmann

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 17

Tina Jeppesen

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 10 29

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