Scientific Name: Acinonyx jubatus
Subspecies: 2 have been described, one of which occurs in this region: Acynonyx j. venaticus: From central India through Sind to Baluchistan (Pakistan).
Habitat: Open, semi arid savanna, sometimes found at the edge of wet savanna, never in forests.
Description: The fastest of all the cats, reaching a max. speed of almost 120 km/h! The Cheetah weighs up to 70 kg and measures up to 70 cm over the shoulder. General colour yellowish brown to light yellow with small, round, black markings all over. The underparts are almost white and the markings less pronounced here. The ears are short and the black markings on the face are almost stripes. The tail is long and spotted. The Cheetah is the fastest hunter on earth. Contrary to the Leopart the Cheetah never returns to its kill. In the Near East Leopards were captured and trained in hunting for gazelles.
Hunting method: Stalking. As the Cheetah only rarely returns to its kill, it is pointless lying in wait near a kill for it.
Hunting available in: The population in this region is highly endangered. Washington convention lidt 1. Usually no exemptions for the Asian Cheetah.