The hunting district is made up of two neighbouring concessions, Singou and Ouamou, and it is situated 350 km east of the capital. It is a huge area of 260.000 hectares and is considered to be one of the very best hunting areas in the country with a good and varied game population and a number of interesting species such as Western Savannah Buffalo, Western roan, Major hartebeest, Western kob, Defassa waterbuck, harnessed bushbuck and Nigerian bohor reedbuck. In the area lion, hippo, elephant, oribi, warthog and baboon are also frequently seen.
The hunters we have had in Burkina so far all reported that you normally see elephant, buffalo and the various plains game species every day and frequently also lion tracks. If you wish to hunt lion it is important that you choose the period from late March until the end of April. At that time of year it’s normally dry and the lion come to the waterholes, from where it is possible to track them.
All the hunting is free range and takes place in open countryside, and even though there are a number of small roads in the hunting district, you should be prepared to do a lot of walking, so it is certainly an advantage to be in good physical condition. Usually you will find a good, promising track in the morning, after which you can follow the incredible work of the talented trackers, often over many kilometres, until you hopefully get within shooting range. The slightly hilly terrain is densely vegetated, but also very varied and with more open areas of typical savannah.
The hunting authority in Burkina Faso has a very strict shooting policy, each hunting district being granted a set annual quota that is strictly adhered to. The organisation is very professional, and during the hunt a so-called game scout, who ensures everything is done correctly, will accompany you.
A great effort has been made to improve the conditions for the game animals, including establishing water holes, controlling poaching etc.
The hunting season is from 1st December to 31st May. The best months are January, February and March. The weather is pleasant and not too hot. In April it becomes very hot and the hunting becomes more difficult also because the animals move less.