Scientific Name: Felis manul
Subspecies: None.
Distribution: From southern Transcaucasia to the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to Turkmeniya, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Xizang (Tibet), the Altai, Transbaikal, northern Mongolia. In China in Gansu and Sichuan, south to Iran, Afghanistan and eastern Ladakh.
Habitat: Semi-desert, steppe, rocky plateaux and mountains devoid of shrubs and trees to an altitude of 3.000 m.
Description: Medium sized wild cat weighing up to 6 kg. It reaches a total body length of 70 cm, without tail (30 cm.). General colour greyish brown with rufous- brown underparts. Black markings on face and along the back. The tail has black ring-markings.
Hunting method: With dogs, traps, calling (like a mouse)
Hunting available in: General status: Threatened. Protected by law in Russia and Mongolia.