Wissenschaftlicher Name: Redunca redunca
Subspecies: Western Bohor Reedbuck (Redunca r. nigeriensis) Eastern Bohor Reedbuck (Redunca r. Wardi)
Distribution: Western Bohor Reedbuck: Nigeria, Cameroun,Chad, CAR, Burkina Faso and Benin. Eastern Bohor Reedbuck: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Congo (Zaire)
Habitat: Open bush and grassland
Description: Middlesized antelope with a shoulderheight of up to 90 cm and a weight of 50 - 60 kg. General colour uniform bright yellowish or reddish fawn, with a white spot under the chin. The fur is soft and wool-like. The horns are black and lyreshaped, ringed, evenly and widely divergent, curved backwards, then very sharply upwards and forwards, which gives them their characteristic look.
Hunting method: Pursch or driven hunt
Hunting available in: Western Bohor Reedbuck: Cameroun, CAR, Chad, burkina Faso and Benin Eastern Bohor Reedbuck: Tanzania and Ethiopia.