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Trofæprisliste - Drivjagt i Slovakiet

Trophy pricelist

Shot game is settled according to the following pricelist and includes all wild boars and females and calves from red deer, fallow deer and maybe mouflon sheep/lambs. All shot game is shared by the group and each hunter must pay the same amount according to the number of game shot each day.

 OBS: It is not allowed to shoot trophy game (red stag, fallow buck, and mouflon ram) on the Slovakian driven hunts.

For good order it should be mentioned that the driven hunts are not wild boar driven hunts, but a combination of the different game species such as wild boars, red deer, fallow deer and maybe mouflon. The districts expect that the hunters shoot at all kinds of game.

The Slovakian hunting areas are divided into different categories depending on the standard and game population. Our partner has access to more than 50 hunting grounds in the southwestern part of Slovakia, and these are categorized as “standard”, “premium” and “premium plus”. Normally we as a minimum offer “premium” areas, but you can choose to add 1-2 days in a “premium plus” area.

Usually a group of good shooters can expect the following results per hunting day:

Standard area – 10-25 pieces per day
Premium area – 20-24 pieces per day
Premium plus – 25-50 pieces per day

The hunt takes place in free range districts, and we cant give any guarantees for a certain number of game at the parade. Also the shooting skills in the group as well as the weather can have a big influence on the final result.


Total number of shot game per day for the whole group Price per hunter/day
0-4 pieces $ 155
5-9 pieces $ 325
10-14 pieces $ 455
15-19 pieces $ 615
20-24 pieces $ 685
25-29 pieces $ 765
30-34 pieces $ 865
35-39 pieces $ 995
For every started additional 5 pieces $ 140




Total number of shot game per day for the whole group Price per hunter/day
0-4 pieces $ 200
5-9 pieces $ 335
10-14 pieces $ 500
15-19 pieces $ 650
20-24 pieces $ 825
25-29 pieces $ 900
For every started additional 3 pieces $ 155


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