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Trophy price list - combihunt - Croatia

Trophy prices (USD)


Up to 69,99 cm 2.385,-  
70 - 74,99 cm 2.790,- 210,- 
75 - 79,99 cm 3.850,- 277,- 
80 - 84,99 cm 5.225,- 353,- 
from 85 cm 6.995,- 375,- 

Wounding/not found = 50% of the trophy size estimated by the stalker, as well as 50% af venison. Missed shot = $ 225,-


CIC USD USD/point over
Up to 99,99  3.125,-  
100 - 104,99 3.125,- 120,- 
105 - 109,99 3.695,- 277,- 
110 - 114,99 5.075,- 693,- 
from 115 8.715,- 1.393,- 

Wounding/not found = 50% of the trophy size estimated by the stalker, as well as 50% af venison. Missed shot = $ 225,-


USD / CIC Points USD USD / CIC Point over
Up to 274,99 6.190  
275 - 299,99 Silver 7.475  
300 - 349,99 Gold 7.490 80
350 - 399,99 11.495 116
400 - 449,99 17.300 172
450 - 499,99 25.895 245
500+ 37.895 350

Wounding/not found = 50% of the trophy size estimated by the stalker, as well as 50% af venison. Missed shot = $ 225,-


Fixed price USD 1.850,- regardless of size.

Wounding/not found = 50% of the price, as well as 50% af venison. Missed shot = $ 225,-


Pricelist / CIC Points USD USD/1CIC
Up to 130,00 850 22 
140 – 149,99 1.070 53 
150 – 159,99 cca 5 kg 1.600 75 
160 – 164,99 cca 6 kg 2.340 85
170-179,99 cca 6,5 –7,5 kg Bronze 3.190 93
180-189,99 cca 7 –8 kg 4.120 120
190-199,99 cca 8 – 8,5 kg Silver 5.290 215
200-209,99 cca 8,5 – 9 kg 7.450 215
210-219,99 cca 9-10 kg Gold 9.550 295
220-229,99 cca 10-12 kg 12.520 420
230-239,99 cca 12+ kg 17.740 425
240 + 18.850 735

 Wounding/not found = 50% of the price, as well as 50% af venison. Missed shot = $ 225,-

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