Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus
Subspecies: A total of 10 subspecies have been described for the northern hemisphere. However, the classification and measurements in the trophy- books are not in agreement with these descriptions. For the Holarctic- Asian region 4 subspecies are described. 1. Nowaja-Semlja Reindeer (Rangifer t. pearsoni): Nowaja Semlja. 2. Siberian Tundra Reindeer (Rangifer t. sibiricus): From the Ural east through Sibiria to the Chuckcen Peninsula including the arctic islands. 3. Siberian Woodland Reindeer (Rangifer t. valentinae): Southern Urals to the Altai and northern and north-eastern Mongolia. 4. Manchurian Reindeer (Rangifer t. phylarchus): Amur, Chingang, northern Manchuria, Sakhalin and Kamchatka (the largest of the subspecies).
Habitat: Tundra and pineforest of the north.
Description: Large deer weighing up to 230 kg and measuring up to 1,30 m over the shoulder. It reaches a total body length of 2,20 m. General colour chocolate brown with white neck and throat in summer, almost white in winter, especieally in the far north. Both sexes have antlers that are semi- palmate with several points and a "snow-shovel"-like forward pointing branch with several points. The antlers weigh up to 12 kg.
Hunting method: Stalking, from a hide, with snow scooters. Often side trophy on hunts for Dall's sheep or bears.
Hunting available in: Russia.