What are cookies
A cookie is a file that the browser places on your computer. It makes it possible to recognize your computer and remember choices you have previously made on the website. A cookie cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programs. Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but are renewed after each visit. The cookie cannot see who you are, what you are called, where you live or whether the computer is used by one or more people. If you provide personal information to a website, a cookie can be used to remember you the next time you visit the website.
Klik på menupunkterne til venstre for at læse om de forskellige cookies og slå kategorier af cookies til eller fra.
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Technical cookies
Technical cookies are necessary for the vast majority of websites to function properly. They ensure, for example, that you are not constantly dropped from the website you are visiting.
Technical cookies are necessary and are always enabled.
appCurrentDomainId - 1 år
Gemmer id'en på nuværende domæne, som bliver brugt til at styre sproget
vmcms - Slettes når browseren lukkes
Hjemmesiden bruger denne cookie til at identificere den besøgende, på tværs af sider, under besøget.
logged-in - 1 week
Checks if a user has been logged in
lastHash - 1 dag
Gemmer den sidste hash værdi i urlen
viewedOuibounceModal - efter session
brugt til at huske hvis der er blevet vist en ekstra hjælpe besked
Shop_UserUUID - 1 md
Beskriver den unikke kurv
Cookie settings
vm-gdpr - 1 måned
Bruges til at huske de valg der tages under Cookie-Indstillinger.
vm-gdpr-accept - 1 måned
Angiver om cookie-indstillinger er blevet gennemgået / accepteret.
Statistical cookies
Statistical cookies help developers optimize the website by collecting information about which pages are most popular and which pages do not seem to appeal to users. This allows the website and its usability to be improved.
Statistical cookies are also used to collect general visit statistics through simple counting.
They usually have little or no impact on your privacy, as they do not record what is searched for on other websites.
Google Analytics
Read more about their privacy policy
_ga - 2 år
Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg, tidligere besøg og det aktuelle besøg.
_ga_* - 1 år
Bliver brugt til at optælle og gemme antallet af sidevisninger
Marketing cookies
Marketing cookies are used for commercial purposes to target ads to you.
They collect information about your movements on individual websites, thereby forming an overview of interests, habits, and activities that can be used to display relevant ads.
__lvisit - Slettes automatisk efter 5 timer
Kan oprettes ved interaktion med virksomhedens online markedsføring. Perioden forlænges ved hvert genbesøg.
Read more about their privacy policy
_fbp - 90 dage
Bruges til at adskille og spore unikke brugere.
_fbc - 90 dage
Når en bruger ankommet til websitet fra annonce med fbclid i URL
_gcl_au - 3 måneder
Formålet med denne cookie er at optimere funktionaliteten på hjemmesiden
Bing Ads
Read more about their privacy policy
_uetsid - Session
Denne cookie sættes af Bing. Formål er at spore konverteringer på tværs af hjemmesiden.
Read more about their privacy policy
_uetvid - 13 måneder
Bruges til at tracke og gemme besøg på tværs af websider
Personalized cookies
Personalized cookies collect information about your movements on the website and can help suggest other pages, news, or products for you, based on the things you have shown interest in.
Personalized cookies are not used for marketing elsewhere on the web.
This website does not use any cookies in this category